Kotton Educational Therapy Center
Give Your Child the Tools to Succeed!
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Test Preparation or Academic Support Work (310) 472-1435
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What is a Board Certified Educational Therapist?
The Association of Educational Therapists defines an educational therapist as "a professional who combines educational and therapeutic approaches for evaluation, remediation, case management, and communication/advocacy on behalf of children, adolescents and adults with learning disabilities or learning problems."
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What is an Educational Therapist?
An educational therapist is a highly trained professional with an undergraduate Bachelor's degree in education in addition to a Master's degree in the principles and practice of educational therapy from an accredited university. In addition, they have completed extensive service hours of training in the field and are required to complete continuing education. On the other hand, a tutor works on specific subject areas and works on helping students with their homework and keeping up with content areas. They do not receive extensive training in understanding the etiology of learning disabilities and how to remedicate them effectively.
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How do an Educational Therapist and a Tutor differ?
Why is a Team Approach important?
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A learning difference may be identified before a child starts school or only in the middle or high school level depending on the nature of the learning issue and the school environment of the student. Usually classroom teachers will notify parents that their child is struggling academically and may recommend a neuro-psychological evaluation. Sometimes it is the parents who might be concerned and request an evaluation. Students in public schools can request an IEP through the school district to assess the student's learning needs.
How do I know if my child has a learning disability?
The length of time that a student requires educational therapy may vary from several months to a few years depending on the severity of the learning issues, the commitment of the family and motivation of the student. An educational therapist cannot promise to "cure" your child. However, your child will learn new strategies for success in school and in managing homework. The key is evaluating whether the relationship is a good fit for the child and steady progress is being made.
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How long does the educational therapy process take?
A Board Certified Educational Therapist [BCET] is the highest level of achievement attained through recognition of a panel of peers.
A BCET must meet the following additional requirements :
Masters Degree
At least one year membership in AET at the ET/Professional level
1000 hours of additional professional practice
A formal written Case Study evaluated and accepted by the AET Certification Board
A written examination that demonstrates professional expertise in educational therapy.
Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team is an essential part of the educational therapy process. By collaborating with classroom teachers, school administrators and other professionals involved with a student, everyone can provide their expertise and come up with accommodations and a plan for success.